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Mon. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Tue. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Wed. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Thu. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Fri. 07:00am - 06:00pm

Sat. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Sun. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Residential neighborhood
Central A/C
Full kitchen
Educational program
Experienced with children with special needs
Financial subsidies available
Government accreditation (license)
References available upon request
Services available at night
Services available in English
Services available in Spanish
Services available on weekends
Services available part-time
Temporary care available
Children cared for 6
Number of employees 1
(Approximate location)
Listing Reviews

Daddy Day Care License #304206099

Family / home daycare

Not available,
San Juan Capistrano, 92675
California, USA
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My day care children

Having fun

Getting hungry

Paying at the park

Playing at mc d's

Trip to the petting zoo

Trip to the petting zoo

Birthday party

Birthday party having fun

Trick or treat

Trick or treat

Trick or treat sisters

Party day

My day care license

Sun set near my home

Photo out side my window

The moon out side my home

Just cute

Shark boy

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available spaces

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My name is Bob Swadish I started watching Children when my now 25 year old daughter (Nancy) was 4 years old. At that time I owned and operated my tree trimming business, which allowed me to take my daughter to and from school. I started taking other neighborhood children to school too. Then found when I was picking her up after school, I would also pick up some of her friends too. We would do something everyday, the park then McDonald's and it all became a fun routine for all of us. This went on for quite some time.

When Nancy turned 12, my other daughter Stacey was born. While Nancy's interests changed and McDonald's was no long entertaining her anymore. Now I was going to be taking Stacey places.

When Stacey turned 3 years old we went to Disneyland almost every day. She just loved the characters. When school began, the drop off and pick up started all over again. I started to pick up other kids along with my daughter. I would have 6 kids some times helping them with homework.

As the kids got older I decided to do after school daycare as a paid profession. My tree trimming service was declining and this was much more satisfying as well as potentially lucrative. I told all the parents I was going to start a daycare service. I went to all the required classes and then some. I received my license after about 4 months. Some parents became paying customers and my business blossomed. My first daycare child was 14 months old and after a few months I had 6 of them. In the summer I had up to 8. I really enjoy the kids.

I learned of a program that offered respite to foster parents. I was very interested in helping the foster care system and realized that respite was one way. I needed to become a licensed foster parent in order to do this so I started the process. I took many classes and learned alot about the needs of foster children and children in general. All of these things were helpful in my daycare as well. It took about a year to complete the process and get licensed. Currently, I am licensed to care for 4 foster children. I do a lot of respite and have had children placed with me for long term care.

Some of children I care for call me Bob some call me dad and even a few have called me momma. No matter what they call me, they always seem happy to come to my home. Most of all my daycare children come from a one-parent home, in most cases it's the mother that has them. Having a positive male role model is important for children. The way the parents and the kids act when they are around me, lets me know that I am just that.
Thank you for the opportunity to tell you a bit about myself and my love of children.

Bob Swadish License # 304206099
Admission conditions
T.V.: Shall be restricted to 3 hours a day

Discipline: Will be handled with time outs / time in / love and logic

Dirty Kids: We play hard so your child might get dirty

Drop Off / Pick up: It is very important that you drop off and pick up you child at the agreed upon time. Please call if you are going to be late.

Field Trips: We go on daily outings.

Food: I will provide all food and snacks but not any special foods or baby formulas. Please do not bring any junk foods.

Open Door: Parents may come by at any time to check on their children.

Over Time: Is available @ $5.00 an hour if you call before you are late on pick up,
If you call after you are late, late free apply @ $5.00 every ¼ hour. Over time and late fees will be paid at the next paid period.

Potty Training: Will be done only if both parties think the child is ready

Pricing: Is based on average pricing in the area and or the child needs

Holidays: Parent will pay for any vacation and or *holidays they take to hold their day care spot. I may take a two-week vacation per year with out charge to you. I will give you a two weeks notice. *Paid holidays: New Years day / Memorial Day / Labor Day / Thanksgiving Day / the day after T-giving / Christmas Eve / Christmas Day / Day after Christmas/Easter/4th of July

Payments: Please make payments on time; if your boss did not pay you at the end of the week I am sure you would not be happy. This is a job and my only income. Parent will be pay for any day(s) child is absent due to any reason other than taking child out of my care. There will be a $25 return check charge and after the 2nd return check cash only. All weekly payments are due in advance and due on Monday morning.

Medicine: All medicine must be in the original container and if prescription it must have the Childs name on it.

Immunizations: All children must be up to date. I need a current copy of their record so I may keep in their file. (State Law)

Injuries: I will treat small cut, scrapes; any thing worse 911 will be called and then the parents. I am CPR, and First Aid trained.

Sick kids: In order to provide a healthy environment sick children will not be permitted in day care. (Parent will immediately be called to pick up child) a sick child is a fever over 101 and or diarrhea and or green runny noise.

Naps: will be from 1pm to 3pm. Children must take a nap or have quiet time. (State law)

Listing's statistics

Last listing update: 2007-12-29 19:50:12
95% 40%
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