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Mon. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Tue. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Wed. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Thu. 07:00am - 06:00pm
Fri. 07:00am - 06:00pm

Sat. Closed
Sun. Closed
Residential neighborhood
Central A/C
Full kitchen
Educational program
Experienced with children with special needs
Financial subsidies available
Government accreditation (license)
References available upon request
Services available at night
Services available in English
Services available in Spanish
Services available on weekends
Services available part-time
Temporary care available
Children cared for 8
Number of employees 2
(Approximate location)
Listing Reviews

Kiddie Shack Daycare

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Carrollton, 75007
Texas, USA
Email: not available
Tel.: not available
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Daycare in Carrollton

Current openings,
available spaces

Nb. of openings Age group Starting Daily rate
No available spaces / openings at this time !


We have full time openings from ages birth to 3 years. There are 2 providers and a small ratio so that we can provide a loving, happy and learning atmosphere where each child gets the attention they need and want.

We work with the smaller children to develope their motor skills through interaction from us. For older children we provide basic pre-school curriculum, including reading, writing and crafts. We also learn and play with the use of music.

We provide breakfasts, lunches and snacks. We are in a food program so all the children are offered nutritious meals only.

If you are looking for a caring, interactive, consistent, experienced childcare providers please call us.

Listing's statistics

Last listing update: 2010-06-25 12:42:46
55% 40%
Daycare in Carrollton

A few tips...

Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
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