Mon. |
07:30am - 05:30pm |
Tue. |
07:30am - 05:30pm |
Wed. |
07:30am - 05:30pm |
Thu. |
07:30am - 05:30pm |
Fri. |
07:30am - 05:30pm |
Sat. |
Closed |
Sun. |
Closed |
| |  | Backyard | |  | Playground | |  | Residential neighborhood | | |  | Central A/C | |  | Full kitchen | | | | Educational program | | | Experienced with children with special needs | |  | Financial subsidies available | |  | Government accreditation (license) | |  | References available upon request | |  | Services available at night | |  | Services available in English | |  | Services available in Spanish | | | Services available on weekends | |  | Services available part-time | | | Temporary care available |
(Approximate location) |
Family / home daycare |
Park field trips |

Park field trip |

Park field trip |
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Halloween crafts |

Halloween craft |

Pumkin patch field trip |
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Pumkin patch field trip |

Pumkin patch field trip |

Pumkin patch field trip |
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Pumkin patch field trip |


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Nb. of openings |
Age group |
Starting |
Daily rate |
No available spaces / openings at this time ! |
Large Family Licensed Daycare by Mother and Father Duo. Have 4 wonderful childern of our own, 11, 10 4 and 3 years of age. Love being able to be home with our children and want to be able to give to other children the time and love their parents want for them while they are working.
We take a few Field Trips a month. We have a structered day of Arts and Crafts, Outside play, sing and dance, ABC and 123, we love to find our nose, eyes, ears and mouth we have a small amount of interacactive TV time in the early morning drop offs.
We make daily meals, great snacks and guess what we provide the diapers, wipes and almost everything else your child would need on a normal day.
We are a family here at Gutierrez family daycare and your child will always get that feeling while they are here!
At the end of each day, when it is time to pick up I love it when a child isnt ready to go home. They want to stay and play with their friends, that means a lot. Parents notice that their child is happy being here!!
I believe the info below is very important to parents.
A good family child care home truly offers a welcoming sense of family. The environment, while child-safe and child-friendly, provides the rich variety of accommodations that naturally arise in a family environment.
Mixed ages. There is a dynamic that occurs when children are together. Good or bad, they teach one another, love one another and encourage one another in ways that adults just can't touch. Whether it's the endearing pat on the head offered to an infant by a slightly older toddler, or the energetic encouragement of a five-year-old to that same wobbly toddler to catch a ball, there is simply nothing that can replace the growth and development from these interactions found in family child care homes.
Curriculum flexibility. Since care is typically taking place in various rooms of the home, the curriculum provided by an in-home child care provider has more flexibility than the care found in centers. Activities in progress can be left as they are, to then be resumed after a brief break. A child who may be slow to warm up is more likely to have the time to experience something he or she may have otherwise missed out on.
Finding a truly good family child care home may take more interviewing before a fit is discovered. There are many reasons why people will choose to open their home to child care, and you will want to take the time to find a provider who is truly passionate about providing quality, child-centered care. The last thing you want is to have your child plunked down in front of a television by a disinterested and uninformed babysitter.
Depending on a family child care provider means you're depending on their availability. Thoroughly discuss their vacation, holiday and sick policies because when the provider is unavailable, you may need to provide your own backup.
Consider these factors and then follow your heart – it won't lead you astray!
Here are some of the things parents have said about us...
Great Daycare
I have dropped in unexpected and always been pleased with what I have seen. They are on time for after school pick up, which is really nice. Would recommend for any ages
by fianne9999 - Posted 11/12/2008
We have been with Danielle for over a year and it has been a great experience. My son has always been excited to go there and sad to leave.
by TheEs - Posted 11/11/2008 |
Admission conditions |
Please Contact me via email @ gutzdaycare@gmail.com or call me and we can talk about your needs!
Thanks |