Mon. |
06:30am - 05:45pm |
Tue. |
06:30am - 05:45pm |
Wed. |
06:30am - 05:45pm |
Thu. |
06:30am - 05:45pm |
Fri. |
06:30am - 05:45pm |
Sat. |
Closed |
Sun. |
Closed |
| |  | Backyard | |  | Playground | |  | Residential neighborhood | | |  | Central A/C | |  | Full kitchen | | |  | Educational program | |  | Experienced with children with special needs | |  | Financial subsidies available | |  | Government accreditation (license) | |  | References available upon request | | | Services available at night | |  | Services available in English | | | Services available in Spanish | | | Services available on weekends | |  | Services available part-time | |  | Temporary care available |
(Approximate location) |
Family / home daycare |
Not available, |
Willard, 65781 |
Missouri, USA |
Ladonna Woolsey
Email: not available
Www.woolseyacademy.com |

Www.woolseyacademy.com |

Www.woolseyacademy.com |
| | 
Www.woolseyacademy.com |

Www.woolseyacademy.com |

Www.woolseyacademy.com |
Nb. of openings |
Age group |
Starting |
Daily rate |
No available spaces / openings at this time ! |
"Teach only love, for that is what you are." Dr. Becky Bailey
This statement is the foundation at Woolsey Academy for Young Learners. We believe that through meaningful relationships children thrive, grow and learn...willingly, optimally. We provide all the tools for enhanced development in a nurturing environment compelling your child to explore his or her ideas, individuality and creativity within the security of our school family.
When your child is a student at Woolsey Academy for Young Learners you will see them blossom! Our Kindergarten Readiness Curriculum is a "whole child" approach. We teach academic, social, emotional and physical skills to enhance relationships, prevent bullying, build problem solving aptitude and promote scholastic success.
Thank you for the opportunity to introduce you to the Woolsey Academy for Young Learners!
The method of child building discipline we offer for our students and families...
Conscious Discipline
Becky Bailey's Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive system that I utilize with ALL the children in my care. It is positive, reflective and builds an excellent foundation for self-discipline that will benefit a child well into their adult years. This is THE method of discipline taught at Woolsey Academy For Young Learners each day.
Your child's daily curriculum at
Woolsey Academy!
Creative Curriculum
"Teaching Strategies GOLDTM is seamless. It’s research-based. And it’s grounded in 38 objectives that are predictors of school success and aligned to state early learning standards." www.creativecurriculum.net. Creative Curriculum is our methodolgy and within that framework we study EVERYTHING that children love. We encompass their natural curiostiy through student lead themes and ensure their growth with teacher lead areas of learning such as science, math, language, music and movement, literacy, dramatic play, nature and discovery, fitness, and artistic expression.
How we create a balanced reading approach for our children...
Hooked On Phonics
"Hooked on Phonics content is: * Based on current research about how children learn best. * Developed with the help of leading educators. * Tested with kids. * Interactive and fun. * Presented in colorful, vibrant, visually appealing ways." www.hookedonphonics.com We have tried and tested Hooked on Phonics with our children aged 18 months to 7 years over several years and can testify to its fun, easy and interactive approach. Our children LOVE Hooked on Phonics, even better, they love learning to read with Hooked on Phonics.
Read REVIEWS at:
http://www.childcareratingz.com/ratings/179243/Child+Care+Center+Woolsey+Academy+for+Young+Learners.html |
Admission conditions |
Http://www.woolseyacademy.com/enrollment-forms.html |