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Listing 1 review

Little Footprints Day School

Daycare center / preschool

Not available,
Birmingham, 35243
Alabama, USA
Jan Smallwood
Email: not available
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Parents' reviews
(1 review posted)

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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+3 Childcare provider: Jan Smallwood

I obtained services from this daycare center / preschool and I find that:

"When my wife and I moved to Birmingham we researched every daycare facility in the area. Jan immediately made us feel as if we were family. There was no talk or debate, the decision was easy.

Little Footprints Day School has been so good to our son Damien. He jumps out of our hands in the morning time to go with his teachers. I would recommend Little Footprints Day School to anyone."
Gerald King (74.1.245....), Aug 3rd 2007
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