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Listing 1 review

Children's House of Oceanside Montessori Preschool

Daycare center / preschool

Not available,
Oceanside, 92054
California, USA
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+4 Childcare provider: Sherry

I obtained services from this daycare center / preschool and I find that:

"I must first start by saying that a four rating scale is not high enough to begin to rate this outstanding learning establishment. On a scale of 1 to 4 I still give it a ten! Sherry Eklund is nothing short of absolutely amazing. Her degrees and fluent knowledge of children and their learning abilities and capacities is astounding. She possess a patience and grace that holds no bounds and everything from toys to music to projects are all geared in some way to increasing a child's intelligence and motor skills. At the time my daughter entered this school we were on a waiting list so if you are interested (which you should be) I would urge you to get on the list, and if by chance there isn't one, consider yourself beyond lucky. My daughter could not be happier, I practically have to force her to leave at the days end. My daughter is 3 and she came in unable to do a ten piece puzzle alone less than 6 months ago and now works on 100 piece. She knows the complete pledge of allegiance and who the president is and can sing "This land is your land" completely. (I cant even do that lol) Miss Sherry does Mother's Day tea parties for the mother's and Christmas caroling recitals in winter. I cant say enough about this unique and wonderful little school or its staff. Come by and take a look!"
Wendi (71.136.250....), Jun 10th 2009
Daycare in Oceanside

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