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Listing 1 review

Barron Family Child Care

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Yucaipa, 92399
California, USA
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+4 Childcare provider: Melinda

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"Thank you Melinda for being our caregiver. I really struggled with the idea of leaving my 3-month old with a stranger because I know no one would protect him like I would, so I made it a point to get to know you first and I think you are wonderful. So thanks again for giving me the peace of mind that I so desperately needed to go back to work and leave my baby. I hope my baby gives you the same joy he gives us. By the way, he really liked his first day…he wouldn’t stop “talking” about it!"
Stephanie Barriga (209.234.147....), Feb 28th 2008
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