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Listing 1 review

Margy's Daycare

Family / home daycare

Not available,
Huntington Beach, 92646
California, USA
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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+3 Childcare provider: Margy

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"My daughter, who just turned three has been going to Margy since she was six months old. Dropping off my little one was nerve-racking, but I knew she was in the best care. I could tell that she loved and took care of the kids as if they were her own. Margy's home is clean and has both an infant room and toddler room with all the necessities needed. My daughter is well feed too. Margy makes home cooked meals and probably eats better there then she does at home. Margy has even helped with my daughter's latest transition of potty training. Margy we love and appreciate you. You are the best!"
A.Michael (173.58.244....), Apr 26th 2010
Daycare in Huntington Beach

A few tips...

Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
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