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Listing 1 review

Little Love Bugs Learning Center

Family / home daycare

Not available,
North Chicago, 60064
Illinois, USA
Email: not available
Tel.: not available
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Parents' reviews
(1 review posted)

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Legend - 0: with deficiencies | 2: adequate | 4: first-class provider
+4 Childcare provider: Serena

I obtained services from this family / home daycare and I find that:

"Ms. Serena is a very caring and wonderful teacher/provider! I would highly recommend anyone to visit or enroll your child in her care. She works with parents and is very flexible! She listens to parents request and is super accommodating. I would trust her to watch my children 24-7 and I am not one to leave my children with anyone. She is amazing and is always smiling with great energy! Look no further because you found the perfect childcare by picking Little Love Bugs Learning Center!"
Anonymous (107.77.83....), Dec 21st 2017
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